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Calderglen High School

Your Careers Advisors

The world of work is changing rapidly. You only need to think about issues like the recent pandemic and climate change to see that there are changes affecting people in work and changes to work itselfAdditionally, the impact of political and economic uncertainty, coupled with advances in technologies, means that new jobs are emerging as others disappearIn fact, change is so rapid that we are trying to prepare people for jobs that don’t yet exist. 

Who are Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and what can they do to help young people in school? 

SDS is the National Careers Service and in Calderglen SDS is represented by the Careers Advisers Clare Grant and Claire Findlay. 

Our contact details are:



How do we do this?

SDS advisers have a presence in school 5 days a week and engage with pupils from S1–S6 and beyond! Our work in school is to help young people develop the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to make well informed and relevant choices, so that they can successfully manage their future career decisions. We have devised a number of resources, practices and lesson inputs to help pupils develop the Career Management Skills (CMS) that will enable them to do this. 

Our aim, working closely with our faculties and pupil support teams, is to try to make sure that every young person is able to leave school and enter into a positive destination which is right for them. 

When will pupils meet us in school?

They will meet with us every single year of their school life, either through group sessions or 1-1 meetings. The main focus of our work starts in the senior phase and during this time it is likely contact with us will increase as we work with pupils to help them prepare to leave school. 

Can they bring a trusted person to their careers meeting? 

We would welcome anyone a pupil would like to support them e.g.  Carer, a member of the ASN Team, Social Worker, older brother/sister etc. We are also happy to arrange an interview out with school hours if this is needed.  

Should pupils tell us if they require special arrangements?

We recognise that bright colours and noises can be difficult for some people while others might need to use coloured overlays. Whatever helps, let us know and we will try our best to accommodate. 

What Data will we ask for?

Every young person at school in Scotland has a record on our system. We record information for contact purposes such as current address and telephone detailsWe also record information if people are care experienced or have ASN needs to help us to prioritise our service to them. 

What can pupils expect from their careers meeting?

The first 1-1 meeting with an adviser will be time to build relationships, to hear about the support we can offer and to have the chance to tell us what support might be neededWe can help with everything from CV building to preparing for job interviews, but the most important thing is to get them thinking about careers.  


Our job is to help pupils develop their Career Management Skills (CMS). The CMS Jigsaw has 4 key themes and when we meet, we will decide together which theme to work on to best meet their needs. Pupils will receive a Career Development Plan (CDP) which is a summary of our meeting with agreed actions to be taken. 

SDS support after school? 

SDS are committed to supporting young people after school.  We have centres throughout Scotland, some full-time, some part-time.  Your local centre is located within The Plaza Shopping Centre in the EK Work & Training Hub next door to the job centre and it is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9.30am till 4.30pm.  Telephone Number: 01698 477120 

We know that not everyone lives in the EK area so you can always identify your nearest Careers Centre through the SDS website: www.sds.co.uk  and clicking on “Contact us”.