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Calderglen High School

Positive Destinations

We are here to support you in exploring the current and future opportunities available to you.

Whether you want to continue onto further education, embark on an apprenticeship or engage in the world of work, we can provide the access to opportunities and experiences you need to make the leap from Calderglen High School into your future.

Using the links, you can explore the services available to you in school and access national materials such as My World of Work.

Your first stop should the Calderglen Futures Twitter and Google Site. This website highlights the pathways taken by some of our pupils and gives information about all of the subjects which are available. You will see some of the experiences of our current and former pupils to give illustrations of the potential of the BGE and Senior Phase to deliver opportunities for our young people; importantly this places equal emphasis on academic qualifications as well as wider achievements and acquisition of a first-class skill set.


My World of Work


My World of Work helps you with up-to-date information, advice and tools when you need it most:

  • Subject choices – understand your strengths and make better choices about your subject choices and future career

  • Leaving school – find a career that interests you and understand the skills you need to get the job you want

  • Exam results – straight into a job or onto further learning? Whatever your grades find help in planning your next steps

  • Preparing for a job – discover Scotland’s industries, search for jobs, build your CV and practice for interviews

  • Modern Apprenticeships – why not earn as you learn. Find out what apprenticeships are available in Scotland and how they work.

Skills Development Scotland

  • Skills Development Scotland offers careers advice, guidance and information to pupils in school, and to people of all ages in Scotland. Skills Development Scotland can offer free and impartial advice on education, training, careers and jobs.

  • Maureen and Kim are our Careers Adviser for Calderglen High School. They are available for appointments and can be found in the careers office. Maureen can be contacted at maureen.mcmullen@sds.co.uk and Kim can be contacted at kim.charnley@sds.co.uk.

  • Our Careers Adviser offer pupils group sessions, drop-in lunchtime clinics and face-to-face coaching, where appropriate. This is supported by Scotland’s careers and information web service My World of Work www.myworldofwork.co.uk


Applications to further education (colleges & universities) courses are made through UCAS who organise this across the whole of the UK.


The link below takes you to their guide created especially for families and outlines the process step-by-step. We know that going through this process can seem full of pressure and cause worry but the UCAS information is there to help, as are we. At any point throughout this process, if you need some support in making your decisions then do not hesitate to get in touch with our Pupil Support team or your Year Head.


Apprenticeships are an excellent opportunity for young people to build skills and transition into the world of work. If you are considering an apprenticeship or would like more information any of our Careers Advisers will be happy to discuss this with you.

You can also find out more in our school library where there is a dedicated noticeboard which is updated weekly by out Careers Advisers.


Planit Plus

Career planning starts as early as choosing your subjects at school and Planit has a number of interactive tools to help you with this. There is also a CareerMatch quiz that helps you to think about your interests and identifies relevant careers, which is ideal if you’re not sure what you want to do yet. You can also explore information on different industries, specific jobs and what kinds of courses are available to help you get into a career. Planit can even help you to create your first CV.

Even if you’ve decided on your career, Planit still has loads of useful information on a range of topics, including applying to college or university, applying for jobs, going for interviews and what to expect when start college, university or your first job.