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Calderglen High School

Creative Industries


Creative Industries is a Skills for Work course which explores the Arts within the Creative Industries. The course is designed to link broadly to the Creative Industries sector and provides some of the underpinning knowledge required for the industry. The course also gives students experience of the practical skills required to work within the sector and helps prepare them for further training. The course introduces students to the Creative Industries, and works towards a creative project. The theme of the project is chosen by the students and they have to work both independently and in different groups to put together the project.

The course focuses on developing very basic knowledge and understanding of practical aspects of the creative industries. It is aimed at those who may want to explore the many activities and opportunities available in the creative industries sector,

Learners will gain an awareness of the opportunities and jobs in the different sectors — and they will develop transferable employability skills, including:

  • an understanding of the workplace and the employee's responsibilities (eg time-keeping, appearance, customer care)
  • self-evaluation skills
  • positive attitude to learning
  • flexible approaches to solving problems
  • adaptability and positive attitude to change
  • confidence to set goals, reflect and learn from experience
  • skills to become effective job-seekers and employee

Course structure

Pupils will develop skills through a variety of active learning, co-operative learning and self-evaluation.


There are 4 Units to complete during class time. There is no exam at the end and students are awarded a pass for each Unit they successfully complete.

Student work is individually reviewed during an interview. Students also have to self- evaluate their skills for work and set themselves targets throughout the course. The assessment process is continuous throughout the year.