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Calderglen High School

Parental Wellbeing


To date over 30 families have engaged in Jill Trevena Family wellbeing sessions.

Feedback from staff and parents told us that this support was well judged – parents felt the wellbeing sessions had helped them understand how to best to support their children and young people, but also recognise the importance of self-care. We wanted to build on this and offer more support to our families, and extend the reach of these sessions.

We have undertaken live Parental Wellbeing Session and Q & A's – We hosted an hour long wellbeing session and Q and A for parents. Engagement of parents (and staff) in the Q & A was excellent. Feedback was positive, one parent said it had equipped her with the skills to support not only herself and her child, but others in her profession.

We have recorded this session and have uploaded it to our Family Wellbeing Google Drive, which is home to our 6 family wellbeing sessions and workbook for parents and carers to work through.

Family Wellbeing Google Site - support for young people and their parents to engage in wellbeing activities during the closure of schools due to Covid-19. This site has access to our Family Wellbeing programme – 6 sessions and workbook for families to work through. Signposted support for families who might to access advice or worried about their young person or a family member. Over 40 families engaged – some of our most vulnerable families are accessing the sessions and enjoyed working through it with their YP.


Impact and Next Steps:

Group Sessions and inclusion of other agencies such as SAMH etc. We will continue to develop programmes and supports to help engage with our parent body