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Calderglen High School

Training Opportunities

At Calderglen and South Lanarkshire Council, we offer opportunities throughout the year for training on wellbeing and mental health as well as awareness exercises.

If there are any specific requirements or additional requests for training, please discuss these with CMT, Mrs Sutherland or Miss Murphy


Safe Talk 

Participants learn how to provide practical help to persons with thoughts of suicide in only a few hours. Safe-TALK is a half day session aimed at giving participants the skills to recognise that someone may be suicidal and to connect the person to someone with suicide intervention skills. Courses delivered by SLC.

Learn on line

There are various wellbeing learn on line courses available. Mental health and Wellbeing modules are:


  • Mental health and wellbeing – an introduction
  • Mental health and wellbeing for employees
  • Mental health and wellbeing for managers
  • Mental health awareness


Jill Travena sessions

We work with our mental health partner to deliver practical and online sessions on mental heath and awareness. Previous sessions were recorded and can be made available - please see K Murphy / M Stewart for access to these.


ASIST Training

A number of staff have already attended the 2 day course, designed to build awareness and learn skills regarding suicide prevention.  At the end of the event participants should be able to:

  • recognise invitations for help
  • review the risk of suicide
  • apply a suicide intervention model
  • link people with community resources
  • reach out and offer support

More opportunities will be made available to staff throughout the session


LGBT Charter training

Staff with an interest in this area are invited and encouraged to attend all training opportunities and group exercises.

 We are currently working on the LGBT Youth Scotland Charter - a group of standards to follow to ensure that, whilst in school, all students feel included. More information on the Charter Standards can be found at:

If you like any more information about the group please ask an LGBT Ambassador, who you will see around the school, or contact Mrs Healy in room B107.  

Bee-in Unity Partnership

The aim of this training partnership is to;

Build capacity in key staff so they are equipped with the knowledge and skills to support mental health and wellbeing awareness across the school. 

Have key staff be leaders in identified area of wellbeing - helping others to build knowledge and understanding, and feeling able to signpost to supports. 

Empower staff, pupils, parents and partners to work together to lead change and reduce stigma around mental health and wellbeing.

Improve reach within the learning community - working with more community groups to break down barriers within the community and meet the needs of all. Staff Wellbeing and CLPL will be a key part of our Wellbeing Strategy for this session - building capacity in staff (and pupils) through creating and signposting opportunities for training and wellbeing. Ties in with work towards Charter. 

SAMH Partnership

Staff recently had the opportunity to undertake a "Managing My Wellbeing" session. Resource list below along with support and crisis helpline numbers.  - ELearning for Teachers | SAMH (https://www.samh.org.uk/about-mental-health/elearning-for-teachers)