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Calderglen High School

Early Education and Childcare


Mrs L McCarry (Drama) 

Mrs A McKenzie (Drama)

What do we currently offer?

S3 Masterclass in Childcare, National 4 and National 5 Early Learning and Childcare.

What does it involve?

Three mandatory units:

•Child Development (Study of the aspects of Child development, research study and presentation)

•Play in Early Learning and Childcare (Practical experience, deliver play experiences and evaluate them)

•Working in Early Learning and Childcare (research and investigation into different childcare provision/career opportunities)

Additional Unit

Care and Feeding of Children (practical experience of caring for children and meeting their needs)

Placement experience (Nat 5)

Visiting speakers/ professionals and workshops to develop knowledge and skills of ELC

It is a mix of practical/experiential learning and the theory underlying this.

Skills required by learners:


•Working co-operatively with others

•Creating, planning and preparation of work and resources

•Time management

•Gathering, collating and evaluating information



Subjects required

English NAT 4/5


It can lead on to apprenticeship in Childcare, work based apprenticeship, experience for CV and personal statement, volunteering opportunities for senior years and entry into College and university courses.