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Calderglen High School

Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources


1.1 Employee Assistance Programme:


South Lanarkshire Council provides different employee mental health and wellbeing supports through its Employee Assistance Programme (EAP).  All services are available to employees whether at work or absent. Where contact to a service can be made directly, the number has been provided. Managers and employees can contact the Employee Support Team to find out more information about any service below on 01698 45 5021 or email employeesupport@southlanarkshire.gov.uk.  Information is also available on the intranet:


  • PAM Assist - Employee Counselling Provider                           0800 882 4102

Confidential counselling/cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) service for employees.  For more information or to make a counselling appointment, contact the Employee Employees can contact Pam Assist directly and confidentially on the number above (open 24 hours/7 days per week).


  • PAM Assist website                                                 www.pamassist.co.uk

This website gives access to information on a variety of health and wellbeing areas such as stress management, A-Z medical conditions, mental health support and on line counselling/CBT.


  • Financial Advice Options    

Options for financial advice are signposted e.g. Money Matters Advice Service (South Lanarkshire Council); Financial Services Authority; Step Change Debt Charity; Citizens Advice Money Advice Service.


  • Physiotherapy     01698 45 4638

Fast access to physiotherapy for South Lanarkshire employees can be arranged at a variety of locations.  These are:  Cambuslang; East Kilbride; Hamilton and Lanark. Referrals are made via your line manager.


  • Occupational Health Support     01698 45 4677

The occupational health team consists of an Occupational Health Adviser and Occupational Nurse. Both provide support for employees in various ways, such as: medical referrals, health checks; confidential advice – addiction concerns; health surveillance; medical referrals. Contact Joanne Reilly, Occupational Nurse.


  • Early Intervention      01698 45 5021

This essentially aims to proactively help employees to access support as quickly as possible. The Employee Support Officer will provide practical advice and

support and where appropriate they can also help to facilitate a return to work.


  • Workplace Mediation                                                                       01698 45 4631   

This is an informal service that can help improve working relationships where there has been difficulties or a breakdown.  Participation is completely voluntary and provides an alternative way to manage conflict in the workplace.




  • Complementary Therapies

Complementary therapies can be used to promote general well-being and can help relieve various concerns, for example, stress, migraines or even digestive problems. For more information contact: Liz McQueen on 07713623792 or email: hello@intuitive-touch-therapy.co.uk


1.2  Healthy working lives (HWL)


Healthy Working Lives (HWL) is a national framework to assist employers in promoting health, wellbeing and safety issues at work. Employees have access to a  information via the intranet with monthly 'Health Topics' highlighted.  Call 01698 454 638 for more information.


1.3 The Network


The Network gives you an opportunity to find out what is available to support you in your day-to-day lives so that you can balance work and home life. If you would like to attend one of these meetings or for further information please email: equalities@southlanarkshire.gov.uk


1.4 Diversity Liasion Officers


Diversity Liaison Officer (DLO) is there to provide advice and support to managers and employees with sourcing or arranging reasonable adjustments. This may to be relevant to an employee’s current job and/or may be required to eliminate or reduce barriers faced by an individual in accessing employment e.g. at the interview stage (Double Tick) or providing specialist equipment, translation or interpreting services. 


1.5 South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture          www.slleisureandculture.co.uk

Offers a variety of classes and community activities, see the website for full information.  South Lanarkshire Council1 employees are provided with a 20% discount on membership prices.

  • 6 Training:
  • Safe Talk 

Participants learn how to provide practical help to persons with thoughts of suicide in only a few hours. SafeTALK is a half day session aimed at giving participants the skills to recognise that someone may be suicidal and to connect the person to someone with suicide intervention skills.



This is a 2 day course, designed to build awareness and learn skills regarding suicide prevention.  At the end of the event participants should be able to:

  • recognise invitations for help
  • review the risk of suicide
  • apply a suicide intervention model
  • link people with community resources
  • reach out and offer support


  • Learn on line

There are various wellbeing learn on line courses available. Mental health and Wellbeing modules are:


  • Mental health and wellbeing – an introduction
  • Mental health and wellbeing for employees
  • Mental health and wellbeing for managers
  • Mental health awareness


 External resources


2.1 Breathing Space                                                                               0800 83 85 87


(Mon – Thurs: 6pm-2am, Fri-Mon: 6pm-6am)

Breathing Space is a free, confidential phone and phone service for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16 experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety.


2.2  Samaritans  (24 hours)                                                                            116 123


Confidential helpline for people to call any time about whatever is troubling them.  You can also email jo@samaritans.org (response time 24 hours)


2.3  Living life to the full                                                                       www.llttf.com


The Living Life to the Full course is a life skills course that aims to provide access to high quality, practical and user-friendly training in life skills with a CBT approach.


2.4  See me                                                                          www.seemescotland.org

‘see me’ is Scotland’s national campaign to end the stigma and discrimination of mental ill-health.


2.5  elament                                                                               www.elament.org.uk

Lanarkshire's on-line mental health and well-being information providing information for people seeking assistance with mental health problems.


2.6  NHS Inform                                                                                                         111


An online and telephone-based service, that can answer questions about your health and offer advice.