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Calderglen High School


Pupil Support

Welcome to the Pupil Support section of the school website. The information on this site is designed to inform you about a range of matters in the school including who to contact with issues regarding your child, attendance, progress or any concerns you may have.
Please use the following link to make contact with your child’s Head of House. This could be for a variety of reasons; making an enquiry, checking in on progress or to raise a concern about bullying. Messages submitted through this form will be checked at the end of each day, if you’re enquiry is urgent please contact the school on 01355 588620.

What is Pupil Support?

Heads of House are involved with every aspect of each pupils’ progress by

  • Monitoring attendance and timekeeping.
  • Supporting the health and wellbeing of pupils.
  • Monitoring academic progress in all subject areas.
  • Interviewing, advising and supporting pupils throughout their school careers.
  • Meeting with Parents, Carers and Guardians to discuss progress.
  • Attending meetings with and reporting to specialist services on behalf of our pupils.
  • Providing careers advice and information for pupils. Liaising with staff from Skills Development Scotland to ensure that pupils receive the best opportunities for future career planning.
  • Advising on course choice options at key transition points.
  • Guiding our senior pupils through the process of applying to Universities and Colleges.
  • Providing references for UCAS, Colleges and prospective employers.
  • Delivering a planned PSHE programme to all pupils alongside curricular subject commitments.