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Calderglen High School



Miss D MacDonald (DHT-  Gaelic Medium Education) 
Miss C Mackay - Gaelic Medium Education Teacher


For pupils having experienced education through the medium of Gàidhlig, this course provides an opportunity to develop language skills further.  The course allows pupils to enhance their skills of communication, reasoning, research and analysis, building on those previously learned in Gàidhlig and reinforcing skills developed in English.  Pupils will undertake detailed study of a broad range of Gàidhlig song, culture, literature and poetry, both ancient and modern.  The Gàidhlig course will enable pupils to reach a high level of fluency and deepen their understanding of Scottish culture and heritage.

Gaelic is one of a number of indigenous minority languages which are actively used by hundreds of thousands of people in the UK. Gaelic speakers live in most communities across Scotland, with approximately 50% living in the Highlands and Islands, and 50% across the rest of the country. Gaelic is also used frequently by speakers in many parts of the world, such as Nova Scotia, Canada.

Fluency in Gàidhlig is useful in many areas of Scottish life, particularly in the cultural sector, arts, media, politics, education and research.

S3 Gàidhlig


In S3 pupils will develop their language learning up to level 4 Curriculum for Excellence Outcomes and Experiences. They will also begin to develop the National 4 and National 5 outcomes. National 4 is the equivalent to Standard Grade at General level or Intermediate 1. National 5 is equivalent to Standard Grade Credit level or Intermediate 2.

Classes are taught entirely through the medium of Gaìdhlig and pupils are encouraged to use it at every given opportunity.  Key features of learning and teaching will be:

  • Real communication in relevant contexts, supported by ICT
  • A continued emphasis on how the language works, including grammar and idiomatic structures
  • An continued focus on culture and shared experience of Gàidhlig medium pupils
  • A wide range of extra curricular opportunities to encourage the natural and fluent use of Gàidhlig in a variety of social settings and contexts

Assessment of the Course

The course will be assessed and marked throughout the session. There will be a combined assessment of day to day class work/activities as well as formal tests. Work may be assigned on Google Classroom and it is expected that all pupils use this digital format to help support the learning of the class.


At the end of S3 pupils may progress to a course leading onto a qualification at National 3, National 4 or National 5 Gàidhlig (fluent).

At the end of S4 pupils could choose from the following progression routes:

  • A pupil achieving National 3 may progress to National 4
  • A pupil achieving National 4 may progress to National 5
  • A pupil achieving National 5 may progress to Higher


Homework is an essential part of teaching and learning and helps to establish a routine of high expectations and achievement. In Gàidhlig, homework is issued at least once a week (there is an expectation that all pupils regularly visit their Google Classroom site and check for additional class notes/homework tasks). Homework will challenge all pupils, consolidate previous learning and provide them with opportunities for personal achievement. The amount of homework set and the level of the task will be in line with the level of the pupil’s ability. Homework tasks are explained in detail by the teacher and pupils should always note the task carefully in their diary planner. Some homework will take the form of learning vocabulary or preparing for specific tasks. Activities involving research will also be issued. In addition, pupils should ensure they have some exposure to the language outside the classroom every day. The services provided by BBC Alba, on television, radio and online are excellent for this purpose.


Pupils should bring the following items to class every day:

  • Jotter(s)
  • Vocabulary notebook
  • Pen/pencil

The Learn Gaelic website, including dictionary and thesaurus, is suitable for all levels of study. In terms of hard copy dictionaries, the department would recommend the Essential Gaelic Dictionary by Boyd Robertson and Ian MacDonald as a means to support pupils completing homework tasks and to help expand vocabulary.

National 4 / 5 Gàidhlig


Bheir Gàidhlig Nàiseanta 4 cothrom do luchd-ionnsachaidh sgilean cànain neo-fhillte a leasachadh ann an co-theacsaichean litreachais, cànain, mheadhanan agus cultair.

Cuideachd, bheir an Cùrsa Nàiseanta 4 cothrom do luchd-ionnsachaidh barrachd tuigse fhaighinnair mar a tha cànan ag obrachadh, agus cànan a chleachdadh gus beachdan agus fiosrachadh a chur an cèill sa Ghàidhlig; smuaintean cruthachail agus breithneachadh a chleachdadh gus beachdan agus argamaidean a cho-chur; sgilean breithneachaidh litearrachd agus sgilean pearsanta, eadar-phearsanta agus obrachadh-buidhne a leasachadh; agus barrachd tlachd agus tuigse a bhith aca a thaobh a’ chànain agus a’ chultair aca fhèin, agus cuid dhaoine eile.

National 4 Gàidhlig offers learners the opportunity to develop straightforward language skills in the contexts of literature, language, media and culture.

The Course also provides learners with the opportunity to develop an understanding of how language works, and use language to communicate ideas and information in Gaelic, to use creative and critical thinking to synthesise ideas and arguments, to develop critical literacy skills and personal, interpersonal and team-working skills, and to enhance their enjoyment and their understanding of their own language and culture and those of others.

There are no documents to display at present.

At National 5 and Higher level, classes are taught entirely through the medium of Gàidhlig and pupils are encouraged to use it at every given opportunity. Key features of learning and teaching will be:

  • Real communication in relevant contexts, supported by ICT
  • A continued emphasis on how the language works, including grammar and idiomatic structures
  • Development of critical literacy skills and personal, interpersonal and team-working skills
  • A range of extra-curricular opportunities to encourage the natural and fluent use of Gàidhlig in a variety of social settings and contexts

The National 5 Gàidhlig Course enables learners to understand, analyse and evaluate texts in the contexts of literature, language, media and culture, and to create and produce texts. Learners develop their knowledge and understanding of Gaelic cultural heritage and the cultural heritage of others.


Higher Gàidhlig

At National 5 and Higher level, classes are taught entirely through the medium of Gàidhlig and pupils are encouraged to use it at every given opportunity. Key features of learning and teaching will be:

  • Real communication in relevant contexts, supported by ICT
  • A continued emphasis on how the language works, including grammar and idiomatic structures
  • Development of critical literacy skills and personal, interpersonal and team-working skills
  • A range of extra-curricular opportunities to encourage the natural and fluent use of Gàidhlig in a variety of social settings and contexts

Course Information

The Higher Gàidhlig course teaches a range of skills:

  • reading, critical reading, listening, talking and writing skills,
  • understanding, analysing and evaluating detailed and complex texts in the contexts of literature, language, media and culture
  • creating and producing detailed and complex texts
  • knowledge and understanding of Gaelic cultural heritage and the cultural heritage of others


  • Pupils complete at least one main piece of homework a week, usually a reading passage or an extended writing activity. They will also regularly work on key language and grammar points.
  • In order to meet the necessary standard of fluency at this level, all pupils are expected to extend their use of Gàidhlig beyond the classroom.  
  • Regular media contact should become a natural habit, and any additional opportunity to speak or use Gàidhlig will ensure that pupils develop confidence and ability when interacting in real contexts/with external partners.
  • At all levels, but particularly in the senior phase, pupils are expected to demonstrate a command of grammatical knowledge and a greater breadth of vocabulary.  This means that extra time should be taken to revise and consolidate skills taught in class.  Pupils should read widely and should access appropriate materials online such as BBC Naidheachdan and Radio nan Gàidheal.


Assessment consists of both internal and external assessment of 5 assessment components; reading, writing, literature, talking and listening.

As part of the final SQA Exam, pupils will sit two exam papers:


 Question paper 1: Leughadh agus Litreachas

  • Section 1: Leughadh airson tuigsinn, mion-sgrùdadh agus luachadh                                     (Reading for understanding, analysis and evaluation)         30 marks
  • Section 2: Litreachas                                 

                  (Literature)  20 marks

  1. Listening

Question paper 2: Èisteachd (Listening)   20 marks


During the school year pupils will complete a 1200-1500 word written assignment which is worth 20 marks out of a total of 120 marks for the course assessment.  This will be produced independently under some supervision/control and will be submitted to the SQA for marking



Towards the end of the course pupils will take part in a discussion with the teacher which will be internally marked and submitted to the SQA.

Coursework task: Còmhradh (performance–talking)                                30 marks

Beforehand, pupils will have researched a topic in which they have a special interest and this will form the basis of a 10-minute discussion with the assessor (teacher).