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Calderglen High School

Parent Council

The Parent Council is made up of 21 people including parents, staff and co-opted members with regular attendance by councillors and pupil representatives.

Our main aims are to promote parental involvement in all aspects of school life, strengthen our links with the local community and develop a deeper understanding of the role we all play.

We would encourage all parents / guardians, who are interested, to come along to our meetings where they would be made most welcome.

Contact Parent Council:    parentcouncilcalderglen@gmail.com

Council Members

Parent Members Staff Members Councillor Attendees

Hannah shanks - Chair

Lynsey Rowe - Vice Chair

Susan Carracher - Minute Taker

Clarke McFedries 

Heather Sturgeon 

Julia Whittle 

Rosie Stevenson

Elizabeth McMillan

Jackie Webster

Clair Stewart

Elizabeth White

Keith Chaplin

Fiona Hunter - Treasurer


Graham Scott

Kirsten Robb

Gladys Miller



Meeting will be held within the School Conference Room at 18:45

Click below to access the minutes from previous meetings

Academic Year 2023/2024

Academic Year 2021/2022


calderglen high school parent council constitution.pdf