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Calderglen High School

West Partnership Resources

 Young people can access a library of recorded resources by clicking the West OS tile on Glow, the resources are ideal for studying before exams and we have our podcast giving top tips and advice on studying.


Useful links:


     Accessing our resources - www.westpartnership.co.uk/west-os/accessing-west-os/


  • West OS Live, our live webinars run all the way up to 10th May! Please remind your young people about this very valuable help and support that is available to everyone. Timetable and sign up information can be found here - www.westpartnership.co.uk/west-os/live/
  • Masterclass series focusing on Nat 5 Practical Cookery and Higher Modern Studies. The purpose is to enhance learning and teaching already taking place - www.westpartnership.co.uk/masterclass-series/ 



Easter study school 2023 / Study support

Please see below some study and help guides for the SQA exams. You will also find the Easter study school timetable. To sign up if you haven't managed to do so already, please visit;



I would also like to take this opportunity to share the excellent offering from South Lanarkshire Council, West Partnership and E-Sgoil.



study support schedule week 5 3 .pdf


west os study help.pdf


west os study help 5 .pdf


whats on at west os 17th 21st april 1 .pdf


easter study school april 2023.pdf