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Calderglen High School

Uniform Policy

The uniform for Calderglen High School is outlined below and it is our clear expectation that all pupils wear the agreed uniform. The uniform has been designed in consultation with pupils, parents and staff in Calderglen High School, and with pupils and parents in all of the associated primaries. We ask all parents to support our school policy on dress and uniform which is a key part of our arrangements to ensure the safety of our pupils and staff at all times.

The wearing of a uniform helps staff and the pupils to distinguish between who
belongs to the school and those who may be visitors. This enables staff to approach and
identify visitors more readily and helps in trying to offer a safer environment for pupils and
teachers alike. In addition, our uniform gives us a strong identity within our local community and helps us to foster a strong sense of pride and belonging in our school. We hope that visitors to the school will comment frequently on the smart appearance of our school pupils and the good impression that it creates.

All staff must ensure that the dress code is adhered to and follow through when this is not
the case. This includes not tolerating the wearing of hoodies or outdoor jackets during Tutor time or on leaving class unless at the end of period 4 or last period in the day.

We have deliberately devised a gender neutral uniform policy in recognition of gender diversity and all pupils' freedom to express their identity.

Acceptable Uniform

  • White school shirt/blouse with a collar suitable for a tie
  • School tie, clearly visible
  • Black school trousers or skirt
  • Plain black v-neck jumper or black zippers/cardigans that allows school ties to be seen (no crewnecks or hooded tops)
  • Plain black shoes (with black laces)
  • School Blazer

PE Kit, brought to school in school bags, not worn to come to school

  • White or black t-shirt/polo shirt
  • Black/navy bottoms or shorts

Uniform can be sourced at;





Customer enquiries should be directed to academyuniforms@stevensons.co.uk.


Telephone number      01727 815700