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Calderglen High School

Calderglen Achieves


At Calderglen High School we want to support our learners to be successful, confident, and responsible global citizens who contribute to the life of the school and our wider community.

Many young people get formal qualifications at school. However, learning also takes place outside the classroom, at home and in the wider community. Achievement covers learning in other areas of the life of the school, and in the variety of activities in which young people are involved, for example: hobbies and interests, volunteering, caring for a relative, activities they undertake in the life of the school and recognised awards or programmes such as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award or John Muir Award.

Extracurricular clubs

 In school, we facilitate a wide range of leadership and wellbeing opportunities. These opportunities help young people to identify and develop their skills and qualities which ultimately prepare them for life beyond school.


Taking part in extracurricular clubs has many benefits:

· helps young people to make new friends.

· develops confidence

· opportunity to showcase talents of our young people

· develop important skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work

In September, we organise an Extracurricular Fayre to encourage learners to sign up for clubs for the year. Below is a list of extracurricular clubs available to our young people this session:

extra curricular tt 24 25.pdf


Sharing Achievements

Some young people can be shy about sharing their achievements. If your child has an achievement you would like to share with us, please complete the form below. We will always ask the young person if they are happy for us to share information about their achievement.

Calderglen Achieves Form

How we gather information on achievements:

· Tracking system

· Learner conversations

· Tutor classes/PSE classes

· Twitter in the community

· Calderglen Achieves Form


We recognise achievement through the school website, school newsletter, school bulletin, house points, display boards, social media, local papers, trophies and awards ceremonies.

Why is recognising wider achievement important?

Recognising and supporting young people’s achievements is important because:

· it can help to develop their confidence and motivation for learning

· it often helps them to reflect on their learning and plan appropriate next steps

· they develop important skills for learning, life and work

· having a record of wider achievements supports young people when writing personal statements when applying for further study and/or work post-school

· improves wellbeing

Please encourage your child to tell teachers about their achievements and activities. You may also wish to discuss the importance of their achievements and help them to identify the wider skills they have learned.