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Calderglen High School

Urgent UCAS Update

Good morning,

Urgent UCAS Update

Friday 17th November was the deadline for all UCAS applicants to have their personal details complete and personal statements ready for uploading.  Unfortunately, a large number of pupils have not met this deadline and as such are not on track to submit applications in the preferred timeline.  


It is important to recognise that our timeline is set with the best interests of applicants at heart, some universities will begin offering places as early as next month.  Please take a moment to check in with your child and check on progress.


By this stage in the process all applicants should have:

  • completed all personal details, 
  • reached out to a referee, 
  • completed their personal statement and uploaded (where they have received feedback),
  • selected courses to study.

If a young person is any doubt over next steps, they must see their Head of House as a matter of urgency.


Your House Team is here to help, don't wait any longer to seek support.


Kind regards,

Lynsey Clark

Depute Head Teacher (Acting) - Lewis House