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Calderglen High School

Uniform Expectations Session 2023/24

Dear Parent/Carer

Gentle Reminder of the Uniform Expectations for Calderglen High School Session 2023/24

Please find attached a leaflet with information about school uniform expectations at Calderglen High School. We plan to have a real focus on uniform moving forward as wearing uniform promotes a sense of unity and equality among students, eliminating the need to follow the latest (expensive) fashion trends and alleviating the financial burden on families. Overall, uniform is an essential component of school culture and provides numerous benefits beyond dress code, for example fostering a sense of belonging and negating the need to purchase branded apparel.

We are fully aware of the increasing costs which families are facing at present and wish to remind you of the following;

  • Check to see if you are entitled to a school clothing grant. Many families eligible for school meal entitlement are similarly able to apply for this grant
  • The school has a well-stocked uniform hub where items of clothing are available for a small donation
  • The school supplier prices have been negotiated to be reasonable for the quality of items but you may wish to shop around for the best deals. For example, any plain white, blue, black t-shirt or shorts are acceptable for PE kit.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Family Liaison Officer, Mrs Hunter on gw07hunterf@glow.sch.uk

Kind regards

Calderglen High School

calderglen uniform leaflet 2023.pdf