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Calderglen High School

UCAS Information

Dear Parent/Carer

Applying to university?

If a young person in your home is hoping to start university in August 2024, now is the time for action.  Please find attached a copy of the presentation shared at our recent UCAS+ event, as well as a separate document that you may find useful to print and keep to hand over the course of the next few months with key dates, activities and information.  Applying to university is a team effort and requires pupils, parents and staff to work together to ensure our young people are applying to the right courses for them, producing a personal statement that shines and getting their applications submitted in good time.


What should we be doing right now?


All applicants are being asked to register with UCAS AND, link their UCAS account to the school using our unique 'buzzword' - Calderglen24

To do this, please register online here, using the full name of the young person as recorded on birth certificate/passport etc.

Once registered, you will have the option to 'Apply', you should do this and follow the instructions to link to Calderglen High School using the buzzword.  Once linked to the school, applicants will be able to revisit their application until ready to submit.


Pupils can be supported through the process in PSE on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons depending on their allocation, it is extremely important that pupils attend this time as this is the time identified for UCAS support. Additionally, a special assembly has been called next Tuesday, 19th September to reiterate the message however, we need parents and carers onboard to ensure all potential applicants are on track.  Pupils who do not attend PSE for a particular reason, should see their Head of House to arrange a suitable time for support, if required.


If you have any questions, at any time throughout the process, please contact your Head of House in the first instance.


Kind regards,

Lynsey Clark

Depute Head Teacher (Acting) - Lewis House