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Calderglen High School

UCAS+ Evening

Dear parent/guardian,

Please find attached your invitation to Calderglen High School’s ‘UCAS+ Evening’. This is an information evening for S5 and S6 pupils dedicated to some of the post-school options available to your child. The event will be a carousel style event with 4 ‘stations’ – these will include UCAS, Apprenticeships, Widening Access/Participation and Articulation Routes. You will attend all stations where you will hear from staff about the different options and can ask any questions you may have.

We have limited spaces on the night and so we ask that only 1 adult accompanies each child to allow us to have as many young people attend as possible. Please complete the registration form to secure your place – you can do so by clicking on the invitation which will take you to a form to complete.

Please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mrs Lynsey Clark should you have any questions about the event.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Kayleigh Reid

Principal Teacher of Developing the Young Workforce (DYW)



Email: gw15wilsonkayleigh@glow.sch.uk