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Calderglen High School

Traffic Management at Calderglen High School

Dear Parent / Carer

As part of our most recent Traffic Management Audit, we have been asked to remind all staff, pupils and parents that no pupil should be dropped off or picked up at the school gates or inside the school grounds . This also includes the gate area at bottom corner of the school, as this is a main point for pupils to enter the school grounds at various times of the school day. Staff, pupils and parents area also reminded not to park on the turning circle, footpaths, double yellow line or waiting area at the front or side of the Calderglen school where school transport collect pupils from Sanderson High School. 

We encourage you to consider the following local Park & Stride areas to use.


Loch Loyal

St Leonard’s Square

Claremont Church Car Park

Only staff vehicles, school transport vehicles and those with special arrangements for both Sanderson High and Calderglen High are permitted.

We appreciate your compliance in order to ensure the safety of all individuals within the school grounds.

Calderglen High School