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Calderglen High School

Statutory Consultation Proposal

Dear Parents/ Carers

Statutory Consultation Proposal: to alter the qualifying distance for free secondary school mainstream transport to those living over 3 miles from their catchment secondary school. (current entitlement is more than 2 miles).


The Council will be conducting a statutory consultation on the proposal to alter the qualifying distance for free secondary school mainstream transport to those living over 3 miles from their catchment secondary school. (current entitlement is more than 2 miles).


The proposal will be open to statutory public consultation from Monday 15 January to Friday 1 March 2024. Public meetings will take place during the week of the 29 January 2024.


Details on this proposal will be contained in a Consultation Proposal Document, including how to feedback any comments and how to book a place at a public meeting. 


The proposal document will be available via the following link from 15 January 2024.


Comments, complaints and consultations - South Lanarkshire Council


Calderglen High School