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Calderglen High School

South Lanarkshire Council - Budget Consultation

Dear Parent/Carer

South Lanarkshire Residents

South Lanarkshire Council -  Budget Consultation

Each year the council consults on its budget options with individuals and representative groups within the community and the workforce. The results of the consultation are shared with all Elected Members to help inform their discussions as they work to agree the budget for the following year.

We are now looking for your views on 42 savings options that have been prepared by council officers for Elected Members to consider as they look to address a 2024-25 budget shortfall of £20.7 million.

That shortfall follows a decade of funding squeezes on local authorities, and it means the council is being forced to consider reductions in the services it can afford to provide. The savings options are summarised in this survey. 

The short survey that follows will ask whether you agree or disagree with each of the 42 options, and ask you to describe your views on them. There is an option near the end of the survey to provide specific comments in an open text box.

As you take part, please remember that, however difficult they may be, savings will have to be delivered in order to balance the council’s budget and allow us to continue to deliver key frontline services.

Please use the link below to take part in the survey.  You may find it easier to complete the survey using a desktop or laptop.

 South Lanarkshire budget consultation - South Lanarkshire Council


Calderglen High School