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Calderglen High School

Secondary School Transport Consultation - Update

Dear Parent/Carer

Please see information below from South Lanarkshire Council.

Update on mainstream secondary school transport consultation


Q&A attached to help with some of the common questions being asked 

Frequently asked questions for parents/carers - South Lanarkshire Council

Safe Walking Routes and Qualifying Distance – Yes/No list

A list of previously assessed safe walking routes, and a list of addresses which would /would not qualify for distance under this proposal is now available to view at Secondary school transport - consultation - South Lanarkshire Council

This list will continue to be added to for more recent assessments.

If you consider there is a road safety concern in your local area when walking to school , please read the West of Scotland Road Safety Forum guidelines and request an assessment be undertaken by completing the Safe walking route concern form. https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/xfp/form/707


Please note Parent mail will cease on Wednesday 31st January 2024.  To receive any further communication from the school you must be registered with Parentportal. 

If you require any assistance registering with Parentportal please contact our Family Liaison Mrs Hunter gw07hunterf@glow.sch.uk


Calderglen High School