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Calderglen High School

SQA Appeals Information 2023

Dear Parent/Carer

We hope that young people have by now received their results. If for any reason certificates have not arrived, please contact Mr Stewart at the school as soon as possible via telephone or by email on gw09stewartm@glow.sch.uk

If there are concerns around any of the grades awarded, young people can request a marking review of the materials by a senior marker from the SQA.

The appeals process opens on the 8th August 2023 and closes on 29th August 2023. Appeals can be prioritised if the result is dependant on a conditional place at university or college, or for a place in training or employment that depends on their grade. The deadline for Priority appeals is the 15th August 2023.

We advise that pupils use the SQA portal to log their own appeal request, using the link below;

Appeals - SQA

Alternatively, you can use the following Google form and the school will process on your behalf;


We will then discuss any concerns young people have with their certificated results. Consideration will be given to whether the learner’s grade is markedly at odds with the totality of the assessment evidence gathered. Young people must also be made aware that results may go down as well as up.

The young person has the final say as to whether an appeal should be submitted to SQA.

The SQA have published a pupil information document, providing information on appeals and this has been sent to all pupils (SQA-Appeals-2023.pdf)

Should you have any other enquiries around results, please contact me at the school or using the email above.

Kind regards

M Stewart

Depute Head Teacher / SQA Coordinator