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Calderglen High School

S5 - Scottish Space School Programme, University of Strathclyde - 2024

Dear Parent / Carer

please see the information below from Strathclyde University for a fantastic opportunity for S5 pupils to apply to Scottish Space School this year.
This is a FREE residential programme which would be an amazing experience for any Higher Physics and / or Higher Maths candidates and would look fantastic on a personal statement when applying for further education.
We have had numerous successful candidates for this programme over the years and feedback has always been very positive. The deadline to apply is Friday 15 March 2024.
Please ask pupils who wish to apply to inform Mrs Casey (Physics) so we have a record and can offer support if required.
Calderglen High School
Subject: Scottish Space School Programme, University of Strathclyde - 2024
Hi there
In previous years, you have supported pupils from your school with their applications to one of the outreach programmes we offer here in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Strathclyde. The following is information about our Scottish Space School programme which is running at the University from Monday 10th – Friday 14th June 2024 and is open to pupils currently in S5.
Please note: The programme will be residential this year, the first time we have been able to offer this since 2019. Attendees will therefore stay on-campus in University accommodation for the duration of the programme.
Applications Open Friday 16 February 2024
The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Strathclyde is delighted to be offering the Scottish Space School programme again in 2024 for school pupils in S5 across Scotland. The programme will run at the University from Monday 10 – Friday 14 June 2024.
This will mark the 20th anniversary of the programme which was first held here at the University in 2005.
There are 80 places available on the week-long programme this year which will revert to being residential for the first time in several years. Therefore, attendees will stay in University accommodation for the duration of the programme.
Throughout the week, attendees will hear from staff at the University of Strathclyde who will provide an insight into studying and working in the field of engineering, as well as hearing from some of the world’s leading figures in space travel, including NASA Astronauts and engineers. Participants will also take part in a group project which they will present to a selection panel made up of staff from the University and NASA on the final day, with a prize for the winning team.
We ask that you bring this to the attention of S5 pupils who have a talent for mathematics and physical sciences.
At the end of the programme in June, 8 lucky pupils will be selected to travel to Houston, USA in October 2024 to complete the ‘Learning Journey to NASA’ trip.
There is no cost associated with attending the programme in June, or the trip to Houston in October.
Further information is available on the Space School website here: https://www.strath.ac.uk/engineering/scottishspaceschool/.
All pupils who are interested in attending must apply using our online form which will be available at the link above from Friday 16 February 2024, when applications open.
The deadline to apply is Friday 15 March 2024 and decisions will be sent to all applicants by Monday 15 April 2024. In the application form, pupils are asked to supply the name and contact details for a teacher who can provide a statement in support of their application. After an application is submitted, the nominated teacher will receive an automated email which will include a designated link to the online application to submit their statement. We ask that teacher statements are submitted online by Friday 22 March 2024, in order for the application to be considered.
I would really appreciate your support in highlighting this opportunity to your S5 students.
If you would like any further information on the programme, please contact us by email at: scottishspaceschool@strath.ac.uk
Many thanks again for your continued support.
Faculty of Engineering | University of Strathclyde