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Calderglen High School

S4 -S6 SQA Information & Study Skills Evening

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We would like to invite you to our upcoming SQA information / study skills evening, which will take place at Calderglen High School on Thursday, 30th March, 6pm – 7pm. This event is aimed at supporting your child's study skills, as well as providing practical information which will help young people as they prepare to sit their SQA exams.

During this session, we will provide you with valuable information and strategies that can help your child maximize their study time and will provide information on the SQA protocols during the exams. We will cover a range of topics, including effective study techniques, the use of past papers, flashcards and will highlight other resources that can aid in their learning. Practical resources will also be posted on our website as well as any presentation(s) covered on the night.

By attending this event, you will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about your child's learning and their preparation for their SQA exams. We believe that this study skills evening will be of great benefit to both you and your child.

By working together to support their learning and study habits, we can help young people achieve their academic goals and prepare them to be successful in their final exams.

We look forward to seeing you at Thursday, 30th March at 6 PM.

Mr Stewart 

Depute Head Teacher