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Calderglen High School

S4 - S6 Assessment Calendar and Study Support Timetable

Dear Parent/ Carer

Please see attached for S4 - S6 Assessment Timetable and Winter Term Supported Study. The information attached will allow young people to be able to plan for their assessment at the end of this month. 

Specific times will be published as we approach the first week of assessment block but it is important to note that assessment fall into two categories; 1) Subject assessments in the Games Hall 2) Subject assessment in Class Time

Games Hall Assessment: These assessment are for subjects that have bigger uptakes and we will allocate time during the course of the day to hold this assessment in the Games Hall, replicating the SQA exams 

Class Time Assessments: These assessments will be held in the normal class time where the subject is taught in the week but the assessment may take slightly longer than the usual double period. 

As a priority we have ensured that no pupils have more than one assessment on the day and if there are clashes for a small number of pupils then classroom teachers will support moving an assessment 

Please also see attached for the reminder of the parental workshop run in conjunction with the Parent Council. The study skills workshop will take place between 6.00pm - 6.45pm tonight in the Calderglen Street Area.

Any parent/ carer wishing to stay for the parent council afterwards is more than welcome and a summary of last meetings minutes are held in the meetings section of the link below


Mr Chaplin

Depute Head Teacher

study skills