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Calderglen High School

S4 - S6 Assessment Block End

Dear Parent/ Carer

I would like to take the opportunity to thank all pupils for their efforts in the recent assessment block, as part of our contingency planning we always plan for a few days at the end of the assessment block for insurance against incumbent weather cancelling an assessment. However, this year the assessments have ran very smoothly, therefore, teacher will start back teaching classes as of tomorrow, Thursday 14th December and all S4 - S6 pupils should attend classes as normal. For the small number of pupils that have mop up assessments to do on Thursday 14th and Friday 15th please follow the assessment arrangement previously communicated. 

Teacher are already busy marking the assessments and we will send home an up to date tracking report to pupils and parents emails by Friday 19th January. 

We look forward to welcoming all our S4 - S6 pupils back tomorrow. 

Mr Chaplin

Depute Head Teacher