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Calderglen High School

S3 and S4 Core PE

Dear Parent/Carer

To include an element of choice in our core PE provision and ensure we have an efficient start in August, the PE department have introduced a pre-selection of pathways for both S3 and S4 core PE. Since Monday 29th May, all pupils have had the opportunity to complete the google form with all choices via their PSE google classroom. They have been asked to select their first and second choice of pathways for the upcoming year, and we will endeavour to ensure all pupils receive one of these choices. The deadline for completion is Friday 9th June, therefore could you please encourage your child to complete the form. If anyone has any difficulty accessing this, please see the PE department or Pupil Support for help.


Please note, if pupils are logged into a different googlemail account on their phone, they will not be granted access to the form. 


Mr. S. Odger

Faculty Head of Physical Education & Health and Food Technology

Calderglen High School