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Calderglen High School

S3 Celtic Connections Trip

Dear Parent/Carer

 We are taking all S3 music students to a concert on Wednesday 1st February at Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. The concert is part of the highly acclaimed Celtic Connections festival and will provide young people with the opportunity to hear and see a wide range of traditional performers and instruments. Scottish Music is a key element of the National 5 Music Qualification and it is hoped that the experience will help young people consolidate their learning.

 The bus will leave Calderglen at 9.30am and return at 1.20pm. Pupils will be given their lunch break when they return to school and should bring a packed lunch. Free school meals will be provided to those who are in receipt of them.

 Please ensure you complete the EV5 permission form given to your child this week and return it to the school as soon as possible.

 There is no cost for the trip. 

 If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

 Kind regards,


Kirsty Blackwood

Faculty Head of Performing Arts