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Calderglen High School

S2 Online Parents’ Evening

Dear Parent / Carer

S2 Online Parents’ Evening

This event will be video call only. To facilitate this, we will use a system called TES schoolcloud designed specifically for parents’ evenings. This is the second year we have been able to use schoolcloud, a new intuitive and easy to use online appointment booking system. Parents (the main contact only) can access schoolcloud through digital devices such as mobile phones, iPads, laptops etc. The main contact can also invite others to be involved in the parents’ evening.

I would like to invite you to attend our virtual S2 Parents’ Evening on Tuesday 17th January 2023, between 4pm – 7pm. Each appointment will last up to 4 minutes 30 seconds and will cut off after 4.5 minutes, therefore discussions about progress and next steps in learning need to be very focused and to the point. Note – there is a maximum of 8 appointments for each pupil.

Appointments can be made from Tuesday 10th January 2023 at 9am until Monday 16th January 2023 at 9am. Should you wish to make any changes or amendments after this date please contact the school office. You will receive an email confirming your appointments shortly after booking.

We have attached a guide on how to log in, book and view your appointments. There is also a short video available which you can view following the link below:


In order to get started please have the following information to hand to allow you to login*:

Main Contact’s Details: Title; First Name; Surname; email

Pupil’s Details: First Name; Surname; Date of Birth

*Your details must match with what we have on record.

Please now visit https://calderglen.schoolcloud.co.uk to book your appointments.

Should you have any issues with your bookings, please contact the school office after 10am, where staff will be happy to help.

Mr C McDougall

Depute Head Teacher (S2)


s2 parents evening guide video call only january 2023.pdf