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Calderglen High School

Reminder: Off the Beatson Track 2023

Dear Parents/ Carers

Reminder of Off The Beatson Track 2023

Please read the information below about how our community can support the fight against Cancer!

Mr Chaplin

Depute Head Teacher

Calderglen High School 

------------ Original Message: ------------

Dear Parents/Carers,


We hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to inform you about an upcoming event that our secondary school is supporting, and we would greatly appreciate your help in making it a success. The Off the Beatson Track Event 2023 aims to support cancer sufferers and their families, and we believe that together, we can make a significant impact.




We are offering two ways for you if you wish to be involved and show your support. The first option is to participate in the 10k walk on Sunday, 27th August 2023, which will take place in West End of Glasgow. It is an incredible opportunity to not only contribute to a worthy cause but also engage in a healthy and fulfilling activity. The entry fee for this event is £10 for anyone 16+ and free for children under 16, if you wish to take part then we ask you to complete the Google form linked below to register. We will then set up a Parent Pay to collect the entry fee. This will mean parents or pupils won’t need to register through the charities website independently and we can share information of how we will walk together as a school:




The second option you can support the Off the Beatson Track Event is by making a donation. Any amount you can contribute will make a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer. We have set up a JustGiving page for this purpose, and we kindly request you to visit the following link to make your donation:




We would also like to inform you that, in addition to supporting this event as a school, we have chosen to participate in memory of a former pupil, Gregor Campbell. Gregor would have turned 21 years old on 28th June 2023. By walking the 10k in his honour, we aim to not only commemorate his life but also extend our assistance to any family that has been impacted by cancer.


As the event draws nearer, we will provide you with more information and updates. We already have a number of dedicated staff members who have committed to taking part in the event.


We believe that by coming together as a school community, we can make a significant impact in supporting cancer sufferers and their families. Your participation, whether through joining the 10k or making a donation, will contribute to this noble cause and teach our students valuable lessons about responsibility, respect and the importance of lending a helping hand.


Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. We sincerely hope that you will consider getting involved and supporting the Off The Beatson Track Event 2023. Together, we can make a difference.


Warmest regards,

Keith Chaplin

Depute Head Teacher