Procedures for pupils using the astro pitch at lunchtimes
Dear Parent/Carer
We have thoroughly enjoyed having our pupils back in the building and I hope they are settling in well.
We are writing to inform you of new procedures for pupils using the astro pitch at lunchtimes. This pitch will be supervised between 1245 and 1315 ONLY and pupils are not permitted to be on the pitch outwith these times. (The thinking being that they will be having lunch between 1230 and 1245 and should be making their way back into the school building, ready to learn for the start of period 5 at 1320).
During this 30 minute slot we will have staff supervision in place who will remind our young people of what is safe and appropriate behaviour on the pitch to avoid unsafe practices.
We would really appreciate it if you could speak to your child about this, ask them to adhere to these timings and to discuss what safe behaviour would be and what would be unsafe and should therefore be avoided.
S1 pupils can access the pitch from Monday 28th August onwards, as we want to ensure the smooth running of the supervision rota for the remainder of this week.
Kind regards
Calderglen High School