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Calderglen High School

Planning for Proposed Strike Days

Dear Parents and Carers,


We wanted to provide you with crucial information concerning the teaching support and educational provision for our students during the planned strike days, which are scheduled from Tuesday, September 26th to Thursday, September 28th, inclusive. If the strike proceeds as planned, the school will be closed for all pupils.


In our commitment to ensure uninterrupted learning and progress for your child, we have devised two methods for the distribution of educational materials and assignments during the strike period.


Method 1: Online Posting

  1. Google Classrooms: Your child will find classwork posted on Google Classrooms where teachers will post work on the days they have a timetabled class. Please talk to your child to make sure they have signed up to each Google Classroom. If you need help with this, please contact our Family Liaison Officer, Mrs Hunter, on gw07hunterf@glow.sch.uk
  2. Scholar: All pupils in S4, S5 & S6 have been provided with individual passwords to access Scholar, this has been sent to pupils Glow Emails by Mr Chaplin. Scholar is an excellent resource where pupils will find resources and mock assessments.
  3. ACHIEVE: We have recently invested in the online platform ACHIEVE, and instructions for setup are attached to this email. Students in S4, S5 & S6 can access their work through this platform and these are further resources to support learning during strike days.



Method 2: Paper Copies of Work

For those students who do not have access to digital technologies, paper copies of classwork and resources will be made available for collection. Students can pick up their work from our school subjects over the next few days. A summary of what can be collected is listed below. 



Physical Work/Paper Copies


All pupils have their class folder which can be taken home


Printed handouts have been created


Written tasks already provided and assigned to pupils

Modern Languages

Vocabulary sheets will be issued and used to consolidate learning


Reading and RUAE Tasks to be collected from the department in advance


Maths Booklets that pupils currently take home are to be used – teachers will set work

Technical and Art

Booklets to be collected in department

Business and Computing

Folders and questions will be provided by department in advance

Music and Drama

Pupils with Musical Instruments should practise using music sheets provided by faculty.  Copies of scripts will be available for collection


Folders of work will be provided


Mr Chaplin 

Depute Head Teacher 

Calderglen High School