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Calderglen High School

Paris Information

Dear Parent/Carer

We are very much looking forward to our first trip to Paris since lockdown.

If they have not already done so, please ensure that your child hands their passport to Mr Brown (trip leader, Humanities faculty) no later than Wednesday 29th March 2023.  He will make a copy and hand the passport back.  Passports should ideally be valid until at least the end of December 2023.

Please be aware that industrial action is planned by the passport office and any new applications should be with them by now to ensure that passports arrive on time.

In addition, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) has been replaced by the Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC).  These  are free of charge and can be applied for here: https://services.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/cra/start

This card gives access to state-provided medical care abroad for things like emergency treatment or visits to A and E.  All pupils travelling to Paris should bring their GHIC with them.

Finally, Paris meetings are now happening weekly on a Thursday lunchtime at 1300 in Mr Brown’s classroom, C209.  It is essential that all pupils going on the trip attend, as important information is shared and a register is taken.  Anyone who is unable to make a meeting should let Mr Brown know in advance.

We will be in touch after Easter to invite you along to the Paris parental meeting, which will most likely take place in the month of May.

Kind regards,

The Calderglen Paris Team

(Mr Brown, Mrs Hunter, Mr Boisson, Miss Muir and Ms Sutherland)