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Calderglen High School

Lockers - Information on key returning keys/clearing of locker contents

Dear Parent/Carer

We ae pleased to be able to offer a locker facility to our young people. As you can imagine, it is  important that lockers are kept clean and tidy and in good working order. Every year we arrange for emptying and cleaning of all of our lockers in preparation for the new session.

If your son/daughter has a locker currently, can you please ask them to ensure that they clear all of their belongings and any litter from their locker and return the key to the main office by Monday 26th June at the latest. After that date we will begin the cleaning of lockers and cannot do this if belongings are still in them. We may have to dispose of items where lockers have not been cleared out.

If you have any questions about the above, do please contact the school office.

Many thanks

Calderglen High School