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Calderglen High School

Housekeeping Reminder

Dear Parent/Carer

We value working in partnership with you to ensure the best possible learning educational experience for your son/daughter. In order to facilitate this, we would like to remind you of a couple of housekeeping matters which help the school run smoothly:

  • If your child feels unwell, they should tell their class teacher who will send them down to the school office if required.  If they feel unwell during interval or lunch, they should report straight to the office.
  • If appropriate, the office staff will then contact home to inform you about this.  Pupils should not leave the school building without speaking to the office (this ensures that their attendance is accurate, which is also essential in the event of a fire.)
  • Please phone the school office if you wish to make an appointment to speak to a Pupil Support Manager or DHT.  Our teaching commitment means that if you arrive at the school to speak to someone without an appointment it is possible that they will not be available at that time.

Many thanks for your help with this.

Best wishes

Calderglen High School