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Calderglen High School

Google Classroom Guardian Email Summaries

Dear Parent/Carer

Google Classroom Guardian Email Summaries 

As you are aware, Google Classroom is currently being used by your child, which allows their teacher to set class work and homework as well as share announcements and resources.

Today we have activated Guardian email summaries.

This will give you the option to receive a daily or weekly text-based email highlighting your child’s progress in Google Classroom. This does not give you direct access to the classroom(s) your child is part of, nor the facility to reply directly to teachers. Normal channels of communication should continue to be used should you wish to contact the school.

You will receive an email daily or every Friday (if you choose to accept our invitation) with a summary of the announcements, questions and homework that your child has received from their teachers. Missing work that has not been completed will be highlighted.

We hope these regular email updates will give you more of an insight into what your child is currently learning and any tasks requiring submission. 

Apologies for the delay with setting up Guardian emails, it has been very difficult to get all S1 to accept the invitation to the S1 PSHE Classroom (code is eqp4j7u) most of them are now in there.

What happens next?

You will receive an email shortly asking you to accept an invitation.   When you accept an invitation, you, your child, and the school receives a confirmation.  You will start to receive weekly emails the following Friday.  You can opt out of receiving emails at any time. There is no need to create a Gmail account to receive these email notifications.

You can read more about Google Guardian Email Summaries here.

If you have any questions or require more information, please contact our school office team, who will be happy to help.

Yours Faithfully

Donna Sutherland

S1 Depute Head