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Calderglen High School

Glasgow School of Art Degree Show Exhibition Trip

Dear Parent/Carer

Following on from the success of the current cohort of Calderglen leavers, many of whom are going on to study in the creative arts and industries, we would like to invite our senior pupils on a visit to The Glasgow School of Art degree show exhibition. 

We feel this is a vital introduction to pupils who may be considering further education within the creative arts and industries.  


Provisional Details 

Wednesday 7th June 

Bus leaves Calderglen 09.15 

Arrives GSA (Garnethill campus) 10.00 

Commence visit 10.00 

Lunch approx 12.30 (either packed lunch - there should also be food/canteen at GSA) 

 Continue visit 13.00 

 Bus leaves GSA 14.45 

Arrives Calderglen 15.15-15.30 


Pupils will have a chance to look at the exhibition at their leisure or in small groups with a teacher during the scheduled times. 

Kind Regards

Mr Galloway

Teacher of Art & Design