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Calderglen High School

Foundation Apprenticeships

Dear Parent/Carer,


Foundation Apprenticeships will be getting started this week and I have spoken to pupils about arrangements however I wanted to make sure that this information had made its way home.  Here, you will find the key information required for all participants, if you require further information, please get in touch.

  • South Lanarkshire College courses start Thursday 24th August.
  • All pupils attending South Lanarkshire College, will make their own way to the college on foot, unless specific arrangements have been made.


  • New College Lanarkshire courses start Tuesday 29th August.
  • 2-year FA students, those currently in S5 at school, will be taken to and from college in a taxi.
  • 1-year FA students , those currently in S6 at school, will make their own way to the college.


All pupils have agreed to keep up with classwork missed during study periods in school and have been asked to speak with their teachers to ensure catch-up work will be provided. All S5 pupils will attend specified classrooms during their study period as follows:


Subject Missed

Monday 5&6

Wednesday 3&4

Higher Maths, Higher Apps, N5 Apps



Higher English, Communication




S6 pupils will undertake private study as per timetabled arrangements.


I am sure that our pupils will have a great experience and look forward to seeing their progress.  In the meantime, please get in touch with any queries.


Kind regards,


Lynsey Clark

Depute Head Teacher (Acting) - Lewis House

Calderglen High School