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Calderglen High School

Feedback from S1 Parents’ Evening Tuesday 28th March 2023

Dear Parent/Carer

I am writing to share the feedback received on the S1 Parents’ Evening last term.  Many thanks to those who took the time to give their views.  There was an 81% turnout on the night, which is fantastic, of which 44 parents responded to the questionnaire.

93% of respondents agreed that their child likes being at Calderglen High School.

95% agreed that the evening was worthwhile.

95% of parents/carers agreed that Calderglen staff really know their child.

86% said that their child finds their learning activities hard enough.

93% feel that their child is making good progress at Calderglen High.

91% of parents/carers stated that they feel comfortable approaching the school with questions, suggestions or problems.

We are delighted with this feedback, thank you.

In terms of your comments, several parents and carers asked why they were limited to eight appointments.  Logistically, it would not be possible for every parent/carer to see every teacher as S1 pupils have 14 subjects per week on average and each parents’ evening lasts two hours.  However, if there was a teacher you particularly wanted feedback from, please contact your child’s Pupil Support Manager to arrange this.

1C1 and 1C2 Mrs Lockens gw13lockensl@glow.sch.uk

1S1, 1S2 and 1S3 Mrs Hyslop gw07hyslopl@glow.sch.uk

1T1, 1T2 and 1T3 Ms Aitchison gw07aitchisone@glow.sch.uk

The vast majority of you were delighted that this was a face-to-face parents’ evening, two people would have preferred it to be online.

One parent asked if Maths could be moved away from double periods in S1 and that has been taken on board.  S1 and S2 pupils will have one double period and two singles next session.

Numerous parents and carers commented that the evening was very well run and organised.

Thank you once again for completing the Google Form.  Please do not hesitate to get in touch if we can help you in any way.

Kind regards

D Sutherland 

S1 Depute Head Teacher