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Calderglen High School

FAO parents of GME pupils - Additional info re P7 Open Evening, Thursday 16th November 2023, 18:45

Dear Parent/Carer

You may have recently received an invitation to attend the Calderglen High School P7 Open Evening on Thursday 16th November 2023. 

In addition, we would like to highlight an opportunity for all parents/carers of children in GME at Mount Cameron Primary, or any other interested parties, to attend a bit earlier, from 6:10pm – 6:40pm.

At this time, we are hosting an informal “Cofaidh is Cèic” (Coffee and Cake) session, where you will be able to hear about our current GME provision at Calderglen, and to visit our Gaelic Community Hub (our specially commissioned social/digital learning space for the South Lanarkshire Gaelic Learning Community).

We would be delighted to meet with you on the 16th, to highlight some of the fantastic work being done through GME, at Calderglen High School.

We very much look forward to seeing you then. 

Le deagh dhùrachd,

Donna MacDonald