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Calderglen High School

Exams - Holiday Weekend & Return to School Information

Dear Parent/Carer

Please see below information concerning senior pupils on both exam and return to school arrangements

Exams – Holiday weekend

Please see below the exams that will run over the holiday weekend. The school will be open during these times but there will be no canteen facilities. Please note an earlier start time of 12.30pm for these afternoon exams. Pupils should arrive no later than 12.15pm.

Friday 26th  May

Art and Design,  National 5 12:30pm - 13:30pm Art and Design, Higher 12:30pm - 13:45pm (Games Hall)

Monday 29th  May

Drama,  National 5 12:30pm - 14:00pm Drama, Higher 12:30pm - 15:00pm (Games Hall)


Return to school arrangements for new S5 and S6

New S5 students should return to school on Thursday 1st June at 9.00am for an induction process in the street. New S6 students should attend on Friday 2nd June at 9.00am. Students are only expected to be in until 12.30pm on these induction days.

The new timetable for S5/6 will begin on Monday 5th June.


Mr M Stewart

Depute Head Teacher