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Calderglen High School

Edinburgh Playhouse Wicked Musical

Dear Parent/Carer

Our Performing Arts Faculty are offering all S2 pupils the opportunity to attend a performance of the award winning musical Wicked at the Edinburgh Playhouse on the 10th January 2024. This experience will give the pupils a chance to see professional musicians and actors in action as well as being exposed to the large variety of creative careers that live theatre demonstrates. We will attend the matinee performance leaving Calderglen at midday and returning at approximately 6.30pm.

 The cost of the trip will be £40. A £10 deposit is required by Friday 23rd June. The second instalment of £15 is due by 1st September with the final amount payable by 1st December. Payments are taken via ParentPay and can be paid in more instalments, if you wish.

If your child would like to attend this trip, they should return the tear off slip from the letter they will receive over the coming days.

We do have an assisted places scheme which offers financial support to subsidise such trips. Information about this scheme is available from our Family Liaison Officer, Mrs Hunter, whom you can email on gw07hunterf@glow.sch.uk, quoting Performing Arts Wicked Trip. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information,

 Kind regards,

 Kirsty Blackwood

Faculty Head of Performing Arts