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Calderglen High School

Christmas Service

Dear Parent/Carer

Calderglen staff and pupils shall be joining our school chaplaincy team at Claremont Parish Church to take part in Christmas services on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th December 2023.

We are fortunate to be supported by an outstanding Chaplaincy Team who play an integral part in the life of the school.  They are adept at putting together interesting and thought-provoking content, which reflects the Calderglen school values; values we appreciate in our wider community too.

Religious observance provides an opportunity for our school community to reflect on, and develop, a deeper understanding of the dignity and worth of each individual and their contribution to our school and wider community. In recognition of Scotland’s Christian heritage, schools are encouraged to use the rich resources of this tradition when planning religious observance. 

We are mindful of the fact that our Calderglen school community includes pupils and staff from faiths other than Christianity or with no faith commitment. This is taken into account fully in supporting spiritual development. It is of central importance that all pupils and staff can participate with integrity in forms of religious observance without compromise to their personal faith stances. For more information, please refer to this link for the most recent Scottish Government advice, including information about the parental right to withdraw:


Our Chaplaincy Team members adhere to these guidelines on religious observance, and they are aware of South Lanarkshire Council’s updated “Policy guidance for schools regarding chaplains and chaplaincy teams in non-denominational schools”.  Our chaplains are fully committed to operating within these guidelines and our Head Teacher and DHTs ensure that they do so.

Our current Chaplaincy Team Members are Mark Cairney [Chair], Ruari O'Brien, Cal Morrison , Anne Paton, Thomas McNeil, Sarah Ross and Hazel Shaw.

Wishing you all a restful Christmas break when it comes.

Kind Regards

Calderglen High School