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Calderglen High School

Celebrating Achievements & Prizegiving

Dear Parents/ Carers,


I hope this email finds you well. As we near the end of this school session, I would like to take this opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our young people. At Calderglen we firmly believe in recognising the hard work, dedication, and accomplishments of our students, and we have a system in place to track and celebrate their success.

To ensure that we acknowledge the achievements of our students, I request you to complete the Google Form linked below to nominate your child for an award in the categories mentioned. The completion of this form will serve as a nomination for the named awards below in the Junior Prizegiving and help provide information existing awards at Senior Prizegiving.

Google Form: https://forms.gle/nmueNVpwDxnV7zzZ8

We have carefully chosen the following award categories to highlight the diverse accomplishments and qualities of our students throughout this school session:


Achievement Award: This award recognizes students who have achieved outstanding success in their studies, activities, or personal growth. It celebrates their hard work, dedication, and accomplishments, inspiring other students to strive for their own goals.


Ambition Award: The Ambition Award celebrates students who show remarkable drive, motivation, and a strong desire to succeed. These students set ambitious goals, take on leadership roles, and pursue innovative ideas, inspiring others to chase their dreams.


Inclusion Award: The Inclusion Award honours students who actively promote a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone. They embrace diversity, treat others with kindness and understanding, and foster a sense of belonging within our school community.


Respect Award: The Respect Award acknowledges students who consistently show respect for themselves and others. These students exemplify good manners, empathy, and build positive relationships, emphasizing the importance of treating others with respect and kindness.


Responsibility Award: The Responsibility Award recognizes students who demonstrate a strong sense of responsibility in their academic, personal, and social lives. They are reliable, accountable, and take on leadership roles, encouraging other students to follow their lead as responsible role models.


Determination Award: The Determination Award celebrates students who exhibit extraordinary perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges. They embody a positive attitude, work hard, and bounce back from setbacks, inspiring others to stay determined in their pursuit of success.


By completing the nomination form, you will provide us with valuable insights into your child's achievements during this school session.

Please ensure you complete the form by Friday 9th June as any nominations received after this date will not be considered for the Junior Prizegiving Awards.


Yours Sincerely,


Mr Stewart

Depute Head Teacher