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Calderglen High School

Calderglen Wider Achievement

Dear Parent/Carer

Calderglen Wider Achievement

At Calderglen, we are committed to celebrating the achievements of our pupils within the classroom and around the school, but we also wish to celebrate and recognise the amazing skill, talent and commitment our pupils demonstrate through a broad range of activities outside of school. Participation in such activities helps to develop confidence and self-esteem and also provides a sense of achievement and enjoyment for young people.

To allow us to recognise and celebrate these achievements we would appreciate you taking the time to fill out the Google Form using the link below. Such activities can include, but are not limited to, achievements within sport, the arts, voluntary work or fundraising activities – we would be delighted to hear about and celebrate what makes you proud about our Calderglen stars!


We appreciate the time and energy that is required by parents and carers to support young people participating in these activities and events - their achievements would not be possible without this encouragement and support.


Mr F Murray

Head of House