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Mental Health Week

Calderglen Mental Health Week

Calderglen Mental Health Week

Monday 9th – Friday 12th October 2023

This World Mental Health Day, 10th October 2023, ITV’s Britain Get Talking and YoungMinds’ #HelloYellow are collaborating to help children across the country open up.

Britain Get Talking | The Hardest Subject (Subtitled) | ITV - YouTube

They’ve created a piece of homework like no other. A conversation starter for children & young people to take home, designed to help them talk about the hardest subjects on their minds with their parents or trusted adults. Because sharing worries can help ease stress and reduce anxiety.

We are delighted to be taking part in this campaign, which is fronted by Ant and Dec, and have created events across the week that we hope will encourage our whole school community to get talking about their mental health, and signpost ways to do this through our Calderglen Mental Health Week. We have attached a poster with some information on the events running next week for pupils, staff and parents & carers, and will share an up-to-date schedule with the pupils on Monday morning.

We shared the homework activity with our pupils this morning in tutor and have uploaded to their google classroom. They do not need to return this to us, the task is that they will talk to you at home about any worries they have. We know this can be difficult, but often the first conversation can be the hardest, and the more we talk about it, the more comfortable we will feel about reaching out for support. We have attached the homework to this email, and hope that if your young person does not approach you about this, you can start the conversation instead!

Iona from SAMH will also be offering a workshop for our parents and carers in school on Thursday morning @ 10am until 11.30am. The workshop will be centered around Mental Health Awareness, and hopefully provide lots of information that you will find useful for yourself and your family. If you would like to attend, please sign up using the link below:


Finally, our Mental Health and Wellbeing class have been lucky enough to be filmed as part of the campaign for ITV and will be featured on their TV special on Tuesday night for World Mental Health Day. A Tonight Special with Susanna Reid will be aired @ 8.30pm that evening and will feature the class as they take part in Peer Supporter training with SAMH. They have also been filmed for some other promotional events, including STV news and social media content, so please keep an eye out for this over the course of the week. It has been an amazing experience and we are so proud that they have been able to speak so openly about mental health, hopefully inspiring others to do so.

As always, we are here to support with any worries or concerns you many have. Please get in touch with your child’s Head of House if you have anything you would like to discuss further.

Let’s come together as a community to break the stigma around mental health and Get Calderglen Talking!