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Calderglen High School

Calderglen High School Christmas Fayre

Dear Parent/Carer

A reminder that our school Christmas Fayre will be on Saturday 18th November 2023.  This has been a huge success, in previous years, and a fun/festive start to your Christmas celebrations.

Our fayre will take place on Saturday 18th November 2023 - between 10am and 1pm - please note the following:

If you wish to come in and sell at our event, there will be tables available, for you to do so. The cost of each table will be £30 and this will be on a first come, first serve basis. If you wish to apply for a table please complete the link, below. If successful, the school office will contact you, to arrange payment/further information.


Tombola Stall - We are looking some for items for our tombola stall, please. We would be very grateful if you could kindly donate to this, by dropping items off at the school office.

In addition, to above, there will be

- Craft items, made in our Technical and Art Departments, by our pupils/staff.

- Hot/cold food and drinks - with a selection of Christmas treats too!

- Raffles.

- An ensemble of Christmas music favourites.

- A chance to meet Santa, and his Elves! With a photo opportunity (not to be missed)!

- Preview of from our school show.

- Preview from our very talented dancers.

- A Selection of Christmas favourites by our school band.

An event absolutely not to be missed!

We will be placing posters, advertising our Fayre, in key points around the Community, on Twitter, and in the local news.

We look forward to seeing you there, and thank you for supporting our school fundraising event!

Calderglen High School

cglen christmas fayre poster 3 .pdf