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Calderglen High School

Shared Spaces

Dear Parents and Carers, 


Re: Shared spaces  

I hope this letter finds you well. At Calderglen, we are committed to fostering an environment that upholds our core values. It has come to our attention that there have been instances of unacceptable behaviour, including vandalism and vaping, in our school toilets. We consider it vital to address these issues and seek your support in maintaining a positive school atmosphere. 

We believe in the importance of respecting our school environment and fellow students. Vandalism not only damages property but also disrespects the efforts that go into maintaining our facilities. Every student should feel safe and comfortable in our school. Antisocial behaviour can make some students feel uncomfortable or excluded. We must work together to create an inclusive environment where all students can thrive. 

To address these concerns, we have taken the following actions: 

      1.    Increased supervision and monitoring of toilet areas.

      2.    Awareness campaigns and educational sessions about the consequences of antisocial behaviour during assembly and PSHE.

      3.    Continued communication with students about the values we uphold as a school community. 

      4.      Where pupils are found to be engaging in antisocial behaviour, rigorous interventions are actioned by Heads of House and Depute Head Teachers including parent contact.

Additionally, from Monday 20th November, any pupil going to the toilet during class time will be required to leave their mobile phone in their school bag. Unfortunately, a minority of pupils use their time out of class to meet with other pupils and this has been identified as a root cause of some of our most serious concerns and therefore something we feel must be tackled as a priority. 

We kindly request your support in reinforcing these messages at home and discussing the importance of respectful behaviour with your child. We firmly believe that, by working together, we can create a more positive and inclusive school environment.   

Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation. We look forward to working together to ensure that Calderglen High School remains a place where every student can reach their full potential. 


Yours sincerely,             

L Clark

Depute Head Teacher (Acting) - Lewis House